Anxiety affects approximately 10% of adults and can be characterized by physical sensations and anxious thoughts. The latter often center around potential threats or uncertainties in the future. Some common ways people experience anxiety include feeling stressed, tense, nervous, unable to relax, or on-edge and irritable.
Challenging Unhelpful Thinking
If you're experiencing a low mood, one technique that may prove beneficial is learning how to identify, document, and challenge negative or unhelpful thoughts. The process is explained in a video that guides you through recognizing these thoughts and actively working to counter them. This technique can be particularly useful for individuals who struggle with low mood.
Depression is a prevalent condition that can have a significant impact on your emotional state, cognitive processes, and behavior. This illness can manifest as feelings of sadness or low mood, negative and unproductive thought patterns, and a lack of interest in previously enjoyed activities. If you're unfamiliar with depression, it may be helpful to watch the 'Depression - an Introduction' video before delving further into the topic.
The STOP Technique (Worry Pathway)
This method is designed to assist you in recognizing and documenting unconstructive thoughts that may be contributing to your distress.
The STOP Technique
If you believe that your depression is connected to your thoughts, this approach can aid in identifying and recording unhelpful thoughts that are contributing to your distress.
the worry tree
Excessive worrying, often referred to as overthinking or fretting, is a common occurrence. In fact, one in four individuals in the UK may experience a mental health issue in any given year, with excessive worrying being one potential symptom. This type of worrying involves extended chains of negative thoughts surrounding potential future events that we may not have any control over.
Unfortunately, worrying can lead to anxiety symptoms and become overwhelming, creating a cycle of increasing worry and potential health issues.
A pragmatic strategy for managing worries is to confine them to a designated worry time. This approach may prove useful if you frequently find yourself worrying about various concerns throughout the day.
Problem Solving